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Early Childhood Australia & Koori Curriculum

Early Childhood Australia & Koori Curriculum

  Early Childhood Australia has been a long-time supporter of the Koori Curriculum and of Jessica Staines our Director. In 2016 they supported Jessica to participate in the World Forum... Read More
Lessons learned from the life of a traveller

Lessons learned from the life of a traveller

I’m very fortunate and grateful that I get the opportunity to travel around our country for work. This year I have been to every state and territory at least once... Read More
2020 with Koori Curriculum

2020 with Koori Curriculum

This is our 6th year of operation with the Koori Curriculum and we are more excited than ever. Our business is no longer a toddler with teething problems and growing... Read More
Dance, Drought and Dedication

Dance, Drought and Dedication

The educators who are part of the Koori Curriculum educator community were delighted to participate in a practical dance workshop this week delivered by the marvellous Jasmin Shepphard. Jasmin is... Read More
2019 Social Justice in Early Childhood Conference!

2019 Social Justice in Early Childhood Conference!

Director of the Koori Curriculum, Jessica Staines is a board member for the Social Justice in Early Childhood group and this weekend saw the 15th Throwing The Baby Out With... Read More
From East to West

From East to West

Where have you been and what have you seen? The last two weeks have seen the Koori Curriculum travel from the East over to the West Coast of Australia exploring... Read More
Play School Acknowledgement of Country Episode

Play School Acknowledgement of Country Episode

Over the past year Jessica Staines, Director of the Koori Curriculum has been working as Play Schools Aboriginal Early Childhood Consultant to develop the shows first ever acknowledgement of country... Read More

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