Introducing the enchanting Shirley Pearl Doll, a beautifully hand-painted creation by Jade, a proud Wiradjuri artist. Inspired by her vibrant surroundings, Jade infuses each doll with the unique and lively spirit of her culture. Dressed in ethically sourced Aboriginal textiles, the Shirley Pearl Doll represents the rich traditions of the Wiradjuri people while standing as a testament to sustainable craftsmanship.
This doll is more than just a toy; it’s an invitation to cultural exploration. Designed to compliment the Letters from Shirley Pearl and Her Bush Friends subscription, the Shirley Pearl Doll brings to life the stories and lessons shared within each monthly letter. Children are introduced to a host of Australian bush friends and learn about various aspects of Aboriginal culture, cultivating a love and respect for the land and its Traditional Owners.
The Letters from Shirley Pearl and Her Bush Friends program spans 12 enriching months, with flexible payment options available for monthly, six-monthly, or full-year plans. Each letter, delivered by post or email, introduces a new chapter in Shirley’s adventures, fostering curiosity, cultural understanding, and a deep appreciation for Country.
Let the Shirley Pearl Doll and her bush companions guide your child on a memorable journey of discovery. Through engaging stories and cultural insights, this unique program encourages children to embrace the wisdom of Aboriginal peoples, nurturing a lifelong respect for culture and community. Subscribe today, and watch as Shirley Pearl and her bush friends inspire a love for heritage and connection to the world around them.
Introducing the enchanting Shirley Pearl Doll, a beautifully hand-painted creation by Jade, a proud Wiradjuri artist. Inspired by her vibrant surroundings, Jade infuses each doll with the unique and lively spirit of her culture. Dressed in ethically sourced Aboriginal textiles, the Shirley Pearl Doll represents the rich traditions of the Wiradjuri people while standing as a testament to sustainable craftsmanship.
This doll is more than just a toy; it’s an invitation to cultural exploration. Designed to compliment the Letters from Shirley Pearl and Her Bush Friends subscription, the Shirley Pearl Doll brings to life the stories and lessons shared within each monthly letter. Children are introduced to a host of Australian bush friends and learn about various aspects of Aboriginal culture, cultivating a love and respect for the land and its Traditional Owners.
The Letters from Shirley Pearl and Her Bush Friends program spans 12 enriching months, with flexible payment options available for monthly, six-monthly, or full-year plans. Each letter, delivered by post or email, introduces a new chapter in Shirley’s adventures, fostering curiosity, cultural understanding, and a deep appreciation for Country.
Let the Shirley Pearl Doll and her bush companions guide your child on a memorable journey of discovery. Through engaging stories and cultural insights, this unique program encourages children to embrace the wisdom of Aboriginal peoples, nurturing a lifelong respect for culture and community. Subscribe today, and watch as Shirley Pearl and her bush friends inspire a love for heritage and connection to the world around them.