News » AECC

The Aboriginal Early Childhood Webinar Series

The Aboriginal Early Childhood Webinar Series

We have just spent the best part of a month travelling around Australia for The Aboriginal Early Childhood Planning Days. What a whirlwind experience! Now that we are back we thought... Read More
Planning Good Practice

Planning Good Practice

For those of you who missed out on the planning day, or those of you who want to know more about The Aboriginal Early Childhood Planning Guide here is a little more... Read More
Give me a home among the gumtrees!

Give me a home among the gumtrees!

This week saw the Koori Curriculums Jessica Staines travel to foggy Adelaide with the creative Director of Multiverse Dr Red Ruby Scarlet. At the Adelaide Convention Centre the dynamic duo... Read More
The Aboriginal Early Childhood Conference 2019

The Aboriginal Early Childhood Conference 2019

June 2019 saw the second Aboriginal Early Childhood Conference come to fruition. Educators travelled from every corner of Australia to gather together for two awe inspiring days of unlearning and...
Travelling The East Coast

Travelling The East Coast

Jessica Staines, Director of the Koori Curriculum began her week at the Hays Reconciliation morning tea. Hays curated an excellent panel of speakers facilitated by Jason Timor co-director of the... Read More

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