News » NAIDOC Week

2025 Key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dates

2025 Key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dates

To assist educators with the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in 2025, we have compiled a list of key dates and celebrations. We have expanded our key... Read More
Educator Yarns Episode 14: Our top tips for NAIDOC Week

Educator Yarns Episode 14: Our top tips for NAIDOC Week

As we start to approach July, our inbox normally gets flooded by educators who enthusiastically starting to plan and programme for their NAIDOC experiences and activities. We thought to make...
Celebrating NAIDOC Week at Paddington Children's Centre: The Sun Room (4-5years)

Celebrating NAIDOC Week at Paddington Children's Centre: The Sun Room (4-5years)

NAIDOC week was fast approaching and for the educators it wasn’t  an overwhelming thought about what “stereotypical” experiences we would be setting up just for the week. We have been... Read More

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