The Anti-Bias Approach in Early Childhood (3rd Ed) edited by Dr Red Ruby Scarlet has been integral to both quality and equality in early childhood. Since its initial publication in 1995, this book has informed practice across the country – in all types of children’s services, in professional development workshops and programs, and in tertiary training and education courses. Anti-bias approaches have been the cornerstone of numerous teacher-research and practice-based studies undertaken in Australia. These studies are unique because they are teacher-research undertaken by early childhood teachers for early childhood educators and teachers.
While parts of the profession have sustained the use of anti-bias approaches in their practice, the speed at which the field is growing and the ever-changing policy landscape has caused anti-bias approaches to be less familiar to many professionals and less explicit in everyday practice. This award has been designed to encourage educators and teachers from across the field of early childhood to reignite and reengage with anti-bias approaches, as well as to recognise educators for their pedagogical leadership in making anti-bias practices central to the everyday rather than an ‘add on’ to practice.
The Anti-Bias Award has been created in partnership with MultiVerse, Social Justice In Early Childhood, and Early Childhood Australia and is awarded from The Anti-Bias Fund that has contributions from public donations, author royalty donations from the book, and donations from MultiVerse. The Koori Curriculum has also generously contributed to the inaugural award.
Contact: Dr Red Ruby Scarlet 0404 852 151
To download the award application please visit: