I used these cards in a fun and active circle game with my small group of three and four-year-olds.

The children took it turns picking a card and I read out the instruction (most of which they couldfigure out from the picture).

They really enjoyed the opportunity to get up and dance, move, singand shout in different ways acting out the various animal actions or sounds.

It was a great chance toembed an Aboriginal perspective and learn about Australian culture through a super fun group gamethat encourages turn taking and listening skills.

This activity can be played in different ways depending on the level of the children you have.

It supports educators in delivering, amongst others,

EYLF Outcome 3: (Children have a strong senseof wellbeing); children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing when they engage in increasingly complex sensory-motor skills and movement patterns and when they combine gross and fine motor movement and balance to achieve increasingly complex patternsof activity including dance, creative movement and drama.

Also, Outcome 5: (Children are effective communicators); children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media when they use the creative arts such as drama, dance, movement, music and storytelling to express ideas and make meaning.

Get the resources

A unique, interactive way of learning basic Sounds and Movements, based on Aboriginal Culture and Native Animals.

The set of 22 cards also includes activity ideas.

Learn and Teach Aboriginal culture and Native Animals with young children through interactive play with our Can You Culture Cards.