Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day competition 2022 Winner

Uranquinty Preschool

At Uranquinty Preschool Dreaming means 'Yindyamarra'.

This Wiradjuri word meaning respect, has been shared with us through Aunty Tez (Wiradjuri woman Terrie O'Brien).

Aunty Tez uses 'Yindyamarra' when sharing her thoughts and stories about her culture.

She reminds us of how important it is to really listen and connect to culture through our hearts.

With Aunty Tez's guidance, we are learning language, singing songs, hearing stories and engaging in art that helps us to connect holistically to Aboriginal culture.

Aunty Tez hopes the children of Uranquinty Preschool, will continue to grow and build on their understanding of the culture that means so much to her.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day 2022 Competition


To celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day 2022, Koori Curriculum is holding a competition to highlight this year's theme 'My Dreaming, My Future'.

We are asking you what Dreaming means to you, how are you interpreting this in the lives of your children and how are you embedding Aboriginal culture into the future?


Please make sure you have permission for the use of any Dreaming story submissions from Traditional Owners.


Entries will open on the 1st of August 2022 and will have to be submitted by no later than the 14th of August 2022. This must include a photograph that demonstrates what you are doing along with a blog of at least 300 words describing your entry as well as your centre name.


Voting will close on the 20th of August 2021.

The 10 entries with the highest number of votes will be shortlisted and reviewed by the Director of the Koori Curriculum, Jessica Staines who will select the winner.


The chosen winner will be announced on the 22nd of August 2022. All submissions will be displayed in a virtual gallery.


The winner will receive a $200 store voucher to the Koori Curriculum.


Please note that submissions must be by an Educator working in the Early Learning space.

Submission Format: We can only accept image submissions as either JPEG or PNG. Any alternative file format/s will not be accepted and therefore considered ineligible for the competition.


Voting: to vote enter your name and email address, you will be able to vote for one entry once per day and will be added to our weekly newsletter.

Any issues with submission or votes please contact us at info@kooricurriculum.com


How to vote in the competition:

  1. Click on “open gallery” below
  2. Click on the picture of the Educator you wish to vote for
  3. Scroll down to the “Vote Now” button
  4. Enter your name and email address and click the “I am not a robot” button
  5. Click on the “Vote Now” button