We thought it was about time our community found out a little more about who our founder and director is!


Name: Jessica Staines

Position: Director of Koori Curriculum

Age: 31


I started working in early childhood as an untrained child care assistant when I was a teenager. I slowly acquired my cert 3 and Diploma at our local TAFE and eventually went on to get my Bachelor of Teaching and a Cert 4 in training assessment.


I grew up in Sydney’s Inner West but I have always been drawn to the bush and beach on the NSW’s Central Coast. Its where my grandparents lived when I was a child and I have strong memories of being with them on Terrigal beach.

I later got married on Terrigal beach and have recently moved up to the Central Coast. I now live on a quaint bush block with my husband and fur kids.


I have four brothers, two of which who are older. My favourite memories have been watching them become fathers and becoming an Aunt. I have five deadly nieces and two nephews who I adore.

When I was a child our family would regularly visit centennial park to feed ducks, explore the inner city forests, horse and bike ride. I now find myself recreating the same experiences with my nieces and nephews.

Quote to live by:

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson