Gregg Dreise is a gifted artist, storyteller and musician, and he features the didgeridoo and guitar in his high energy performances. He uses music and laughter to take audiences on a storytelling journey – that maybe… just maybe… might sneak in a lesson or two. Gregg is a touring Author/Musician/Entertainer who continually performs in schools, libraries, community events and even the Sydney Opera House with his didgeridoo and guitar. He always aims to educate an audience filled with smiles.

He is a guest presenter on ABC’s Play School and on Mugu Kids on NITV. He designed the Indigenous Jersey for the QLD Maroons 2019, plus the QLD Murris all Indigenous NRL team jersey. He created all of the Aboriginal Art in the Sets of the reality TV show I’m A Celebrity – Get Me Outta Here Australia. As a descendant of the Kamilaroi and Euahlayi people of south-west Queensland and north-west New South Wales his storytelling addresses self-image, friendship, kindness, bullying and indigenous culture.

The latest books he wrote and illustrated include Common Wealth a Slam Poetry Persuasive about change and unity, plus Hello and Welcome a companion to My Culture and Me, and the newest of his Bird series Awesome Emu. There are also two Board Books for young readers Today’s Sun and coming soon Where’s My Baby?

A charming morality tale that reminds us to be humble about our successes.

Way back, before once-upon-a-time time, there was the Dreamtime, and during this period lived a very confident emu called Dinewah. He was tall, fast and colourful. Most animals thought he was a show-off, but he was too busy talking about himself to take any notice…

Dinewah was determined to run and fly the furthest and the fastest. He even tried to fly to the Sun, but he never made it.

Today, he is still up there in Father Sky. If you look carefully on dark nights, when the Moon isn’t very bright, you can see the Awesome Emu. Many people know him as the Milky Way. We still know it as Djiraboo Dinewah Awesome Emu.

This is the fourth book in Gregg Dreise’s award-winning children’s picture book series that includes Silly Birds and Kookoo Kookaburra. Filled with his well-loved colourful paintings and told with heart and humour, Awesome Emu will be a family favourite.

The Cheeky butcher birds always tease Guluu and he is becoming a very mad magpie.

When Guluu herds the advice of his elders and ignores the birds, they just laugh at him.

but Guluu tries again... and this time he stands proudly at the riverbank and remembers how to used to sing when he was having a bad day.

Stay calm like the surface of the water, yet strong like it’s current. Sing! Dance! Laugh!

Winner of the Speech Pathology Australia Indigenous Book of the Year Award for 2015

In this humble, charming and humorous morality tale, Maliyan is a proud eagle who always looks, listens and sees things from a long way away. One day he meets the turkey Wagun, who is a silly bird, and together these two new friends begin to do silly-bird things. The Elders and Maliyan’s parents become very disappointed and soon the local billabong becomes a mess. The silly birds do not care for anyone and seem to have eaten all the food. Maliyan begins to see the error of his ways and tries to talk to Wagun and the other birds about their actions.

No one listens. So Maliyan flies away and begins the journey of listening again. Maliyan soon becomes a proud leader and all the silly birds begin to follow his example. They all help clean up the messes they have made. All except one...

In this quintessential Australian fable, Silly Birds combines richly textured and striking illustrations of Australian animals with the gentle humour of an Aussie truism that it is hard to soar like an eagle when you are, in fact, surrounded by turkeys.

Kookoo is a kind of happy kookagurra.

He is famous throughout the bush for telling funny stories.
One day, Kookoo forgets to be kind and he tells stories that make fun of the other animals.

Kookoo doesn't even listen to the wise words of uncle Gooaguga...

Kindness is like a boomarang -- if you throw it often, it comes back often.

Cunning Crow by Gregg Dreise

Remember - beauty comes from within...

Way back, before once-upon-a-time, there was the Dreamtime when all the birds were white. One of those white birds was a crow called Waan.

One day a big storm came through and a magnificent rainbow appeared. When the birds passed through the rainbow, one by one, their feathers took on its beautiful colours.

Waan flew through the rainbow too and his feathers became a beautiful red and orange. But Waan was jealous of the other birds. He wanted to be more beautifully coloured than anyone. So Waan hatched a cunning plan.

But things did not go the way Waan wanted...

Hello and Welcome by Gregg Dreise

Feel the welcome as we celebrate Indigenous culture, Elders and future generations. Join the corroboree in the traditional Gamilaraay language of the Kamilaroi people as we listen and learn together.

A wonderful companion to Gregg Dreise's highly acclaimed My Culture and Me, this joyful picture book celebrates Australia’s Indigenous heritage and the diversity we enjoy today.

Hello and welcome to our corroboree.
Hello and welcome to our gathering.
Father Sky, Mother Earth, together here with me.
Different colours, different people, together in harmony.

My Culture and Me by Gregg Dreise

A stirring story about pride, respect and maintaining culture.

Feel the rhythm of the music, from your heart down to your feet.
Enjoy the movements of melodies, as clapsticks keep a strong beat.

This is my culture. This is me.

Beautifully written and illustrated, My Culture and Me is a heartfelt and stirring story of cherishing and sustaining Indigenous cultures.

Today's Sun by Gregg Dreise

Raise a reader with this gorgeous black-and-white board book for babies.

Celebrating Australian animals and the beautiful moments in every day, this lyrical text is paired with exquisite high-contrast illustrations by Kamilaroi author and illustrator Gregg Dreise. The perfect gift for every new baby.