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National Reconciliation Week Recommendations

Reconciliation week is just around the corner and here are my top five Reconciliation resources from our online shop.


1) Reconciliation Week is from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June and is a time across the nation that mob and community come together. Many schools hold Reconciliation Week celebrations and events, however very few know the story behind the significance of the date 27th of May.

The book “Say Yes – A story of Friendship, Fairness and a Vote for Hope” by Jennifer Castles is an ideal resource for both educators and children to utilise when learning about the history of Reconciliation week.

Once there were two little girls who were best friends. They did everything together. As they get older, they weren't allowed to do the same things anymore. Because they looked different. Because of the law.

This is a story about the landmark 1967 Referendum, the two women who came together to change the law... and how the Australia people said YES.

 say yes

2) One of the key elements of Reconciliation is historical acceptance. Australia has a blak history which needs to be honoured through truth-telling. “Stories for Simon” by Lauren Briggs is my second top pick for educators to use during Reconciliation Week. This is a beautiful story of acknowledging the past and how we can work together moving forward for a brighter future.


3) Whilst Reconciliation week begins on the 27th of May the 26th of May is also a significant date for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a date that we refer to as “Sorry Day”. It was a recommendation of the 1996 National Enquiry into the Stolen Generations the “Bringing Them Home Report” that we have a day of mourning and space to commemorate those who were part of the stolen generation. “Sorry Day” by Coral Vass and Dub Leffler is a great book to use with primary aged children or at a staff meeting to provoke a discussion amongst educators.

sorry day

4) Whilst the books that I’ve recommended are particularly useful to utilise during Reconciliation Week educators don’t just teach about Reconciliation one week of the year. The Koori Curriculums webinar “Challenging the Culture of Celebrations” is a must for teams to watch together. This pre-recorded session supports educators to reconsider how they approach significant dates and celebrations in their program.

5) The Koori Curriculum will also be offering online mentoring sessions for individuals and teams wanting to begin a Reconciliation Action Plan. Email bookings@kooricurriculum.com for more information. 


Reconciliation Week Freebie
