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Are you wanting support connecting with your local Aboriginal community?

Hosted by Jessica Staines, Director of the multi-award-winning Koori Curriculum, this live webinar is dedicated to enhancing educators' understanding and practice in forming meaningful connections with Aboriginal communities and integrating authentic Aboriginal perspectives into learning environments.

This session will include:

  •    Culturalsafety:Gaindeepinsightsintothesignificanceof building relationships withAboriginalfamilies andcommunities,ensuring culturally safe practicesthat align with the EYLF and National Quality Standards.

  •    Tips for Practicalengagement:Learnpracticalapproachestoengagerespectfullyand effectivelywithAboriginal communities.Understandtheimportanceof reciprocityand howto offer your service and support to foster genuine relationships.

  •    Resourceintegration:Discoverhowtoutiliselocalknowledgeandresourceseffectively withinyoureducationalsetting,includeAboriginalperspectivesdaily,andunderstandtheprotocols and boundaries of working with Indigenous communities.

  •    Addressingchallenges:Addresscommonchallengesandanxieties thateducatorsfacewhentryingtoconnectwithAboriginalcommunities,includingfearsof culturalmisstepsand finding local contacts.

  •    ComprehensiveSupport:Exploremulti-layeredreasonsforintegratingAboriginal perspectives, including the vital roleof educationin closing educationalandsocietalgaps forAboriginal children.

  •    InteractiveLearning:Engagewithcasestudiesandscenariosthatillustratesuccessful communityengagement and cultural inclusion. Participate in Q&A sessions to discuss specificchallenges and learn from peers' experiences.


This webinar is not just a learning opportunity but a step towards transformation in your professional practice. It's designed for educators who are committed to making their educational spaces welcoming and affirming of Aboriginal families and communities, ensuring that these essential perspectives are woven into the fabric of everyday learning.

Join us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of all children and communities.

Links to EYLF:

Outcome 1.2:Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter dependence, resilience and agency. Educators support this learning when they for example build on culturally valued learning of individual children’s communities.

Outcome 1.3:Children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth. This is evident when children for example engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and community members to explore their own and others social and cultural heritage.

Outcome 1.3:Children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth. Educators promote this learning for all children when they for example demonstrate deep understanding of each child, their family and community contexts in planning for children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

Outcome 1.3:Children develop knowledgeable confident self-identities, and a positive sense of self-worth. Educators support this learning when they for example have opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander relationships and connections to Country and family including kinship systems.

Outcome 2.1:Children develop a sense of connectedness to groups and communities and an understanding of their reciprocal rights and responsibilities as active and informed citizens. Educators support this learning when they for example create opportunities for open and authentic partnerships with all families, communities and organisations, including with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations and those from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Outcome 2.1:Children develop a sense of connectedness to groups and communities and an understanding of their reciprocal rights and responsibilities as active and informed citizens. Educators support this learning when they for example build partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations that are genuine and sustainable.

Outcome 2.2:Children respond to diversity with respect. This is evident when children, for example explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s kinships systems, their relationships, and connections that they have built with their own community.

Outcome 4.2:Children develop a range of learning and thinking skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesizing, researching and investigating. This is evident when children, for example connect with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community (e.g. Elders, role models) to engage with stories about place- based history and culture.

Please note:the webinar will be live and not recorded.

Duration:approximately 1 hour

"Building Community Connections"

Please email info@kooricurriculum.com for group bookings of 21 or more

What Educators Are Saying

"It was an amazing professional learning opportunity for me and I’m grateful for the knowledge that was shared."
- Ebony Irvin

"I have a better understanding of how to connect with Community. I really connected with the example Jess gave of the student reaching out and asking her what they could do for her"

Bec Tyson

"I loved hearing about engaging with the Indigenous community through events and volunteer work to begin building a genuine relationship with them before asking them to collaborate with our service."

Rachel Emms

"Building a rapport and showing reciprocity and asking how I can contribute and be of service was a great takeaway"

Bianca Gasparroni

"I took away 2 key points: looking at our cultural inclusion plan & connecting to the community and seeing how I can assist within."

Sune van Rooyen

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I access the live webinar after I purchase it?


1. After you purchase the webinar you will be sent an email confirming your purchase with additional information on how to register for the live webinar.

2. Once you register you will be sent a confirmation email from our webinar platform "WebinarNinja"

3. As the date of your live webinar approaches, we will send additional emails with your webinar access link so you don't miss it

4. Please ensure you mark info@kooricurriculum.com as a safe sender to avoid important emails going into your junk

Q: Is the live webinar interactive and can I ask questions during the live webinar session?

A: Yes. The Koori Curriculum team is on each live webinar and will respond to your questions received during the session via the chat function of the webinar platform.

Q: What platform is the live webinar delivered on?

A: We hold our live webinars on a platform called “WebinarNinja”.

Q: Can I share my individual access with other people?

A: No. The live webinars are provided on WebinarNinja, links are specific to each individual.

Q: Are the live webinars recorded?

A: The live webianrs are not recorded. We do have several pre-recorded webinars that may suite you here

Q: Who do I contact for any queries?

A: You can reach us at info@kooricurriculum.com and one of our team will respond within 1 business day.

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Are you wanting to respectfully embed Aboriginal perspectives in your program?

In my private membership group, The Koori Curriculum Club, you’ll get amazing support to assist in the development of your centres Aboriginal programs, with regular Member mentoring sessions, lesson plans and master classes.
