We know we should but we don’t know how!” is a common statement made by many well-meaning educators in reference to Aboriginal programs. It is still a popular belief that Aboriginal culture should only be acknowledged and celebrated on particular calendar events and not included in the everyday curriculum. This workshop will highlight the importance of including Aboriginal perspectives into services programs and why it needs to be done EVERY DAY!
This workshop that provides educators with multiple examples of experiences. It will guide educators through Aboriginal programming step by step for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.
About the Koori Curriculum and presenter Jessica Staines:
The Koori Curriculum is an Aboriginal early childhood consultancy based in Sydney’s inner west. Consultants at the Koori Curriculum facilitate a range of professional development workshops for educators that help guide the inclusion of Aboriginal perspectives in early childhood curriculums.
The Koori Curriculum is operated by Jessica Staines a Wiradjuri woman who is also an early childhood teacher. Jessica has worked in early childhood for over ten years in both urban and rural services. Whilst working in early childhood Jessica naturally found herself supporting educators to become more culturally aware and feel confident in embedding Aboriginal perspectives in their program.
For questions and enquiries please contact bookings@kooricurriculum.com