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Acknowledgement of Country competition 2023 Winner

Simmone Henne

What began as a recited drone of repetition has become a meaningful moment of connection to the land of the Gunnai Kurnai people for the children of our preschool.

Being in bush kinder weekly gave us an opportunity to add real meaning to our Acknowledgment of Country.

We begin by joining in a circle in the bush and we sit, kneel or squat on the ground. We expand our awareness to our environment and comment on the things we notice. Sunlight shining off the wet leaves like gems, frogs croaking, bird calls, the smell of smoke, our breath in the morning air. This may prompt conversation and we share information. I then draw our focus back to the group and take the opportunity to make a cultural connection to our observations. Often I talk about our children’s love of bush kinder. If they learn to love the land while they are young and have small voices, when they are grown and have big voices they will be able care for the land and share their love of the land with other children, linking the themes of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day and NAIDOC Week. As I’m talking, I am intentionally touching the ground, wiping the leaves away, fiddling with a tiny gum nut or rubbing the dirt between my fingers, the children doing the same as they listen.

I then invite the children to touch the ground and feel the dirt of the Gunnai Kurnai people as we say together the words of our acknowledgment with understanding and respect.

Although it only takes a few minutes it feels really special to be able make a genuine connection between the land of the Gunnai Kurnai people and our bush kinder experiences, to have an impact on these young developing minds and to foster their connection to country for the benefit of our future.

Acknowledgement of Country 2023 Competition


We want to see your Acknowledgement of Country!


The top 10 Acknowledgement of Country entries with the highest votes will go in the draw for 1 of them to win a $200 voucher for the Koori Curriculum store.


How to enter:

  1. Write a blurb of up to 300 words or more outlining how you developed and practise your Acknowledgement of Country in your service.
  2. Include an image of your service doing your Acknowledgement of Country.


The competition will be open from the 31st of July to the 20th of Augustfor entries.


Voting will close on the 27th of August.


The winner will be announced on the 28th of Augustvia our newsletter, Facebook and on our Instagram.

Acknowledgement of Country 2023 Competition FAQ's

Q: How long until my entry is in the gallery?


A: We review each entry before approving them to be submitted into the competition, which can take up to 24 business hours before your entry is visible.

Please note: entries are not approved over the weekend and will be reviewed and approved during business hours.


Q: Can I submit a video entry?


A: No. Our competition system only accepts image files. If you have a video we suggest taking screen shots and creating a single collage image for your entry and sharing a link of your video in the description of your entry.


Q: Do I need to get votes for my entry?


A: Yes. In order to keep the competition as fair as possible we ask that you engage with your community to vote for your entry. The top 10 submissions that receivethe highest amount of votes are included in the prize selection which is then chosen randomly by the Director of the Koori Curriculum Jessica Staines.


Q: Do I need permission from the parents in my service if their child is in the photo submitted?


A: Every parent and service has their own policies regarding children appearing in photos shared online. Koori Curriculum assume this policy has been completed correctly for all andpetition entries and takes no liability for policy breaches.


Q: If I vote will I be added to your email list?


A: Yes. You can unsubscribe at any time.

