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Educator Yarns Season 3 Episode 9: Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives in Family Day Care with Shelby


In this episode of Educator Yarns, Jess is joined by Shelby from Homegrown Learning Studio. Shelby shares some ideas about embedding First Nations perspectives into early learning, some of the struggles of embedding First Nations perspectives within the family daycare environment and the historical failure of education services in recognising First Nations culture and cultural history and the impacts that can have.

Shelby is an Early Childhood Educator who lives in Perth, Western Australia. She has worked in early childhood education for 10 years, in traditional commercial early learning services. In the last year Shelby has started her own family daycare service called Homegrown Learning Studio.

You can connect to Shelby and Homegrown Learning Studio via Instagram www.instagram.com/homegrownlearningstudio.
