Each year as part of NAIDOC Celebrations there is a poster competition amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists. Indigenous artists submit works reflecting the current NAIDOC theme and the chosen winner is then featured on that years NAIDOC poster.
In the spirit of NAIDOC we have decided to hold a virtual art competition for early learning services. We are inviting centres to create their own art work with children that reflects this years NAIDOC theme, "Heal Country".
Entries will open on the 4th of July and Educators will have to submit their entry by no later than the 15th of July. This will include a photograph of their artwork along with a blog describing the experience.
Voting will close on the 22nd of July.
The 10 entries with the highest number of votes will be shortlisted and reviewed by the Director of the Koori Curriculum, Jessica Staines who will select the winner.
The chosen winner will be announced on the 26th of July.
All submissions will be displayed in a virtual gallery.
The winner will receive a $500 store voucher to the Koori Curriculum.
Please note that submissions must be by an adult on behalf of the child or children participating.
Submission Format: We can only accept image submissions as either JPEG or PNG. Any alternative file format/s will not be accepted and therefore considered ineligible for the competition.
Voting : to vote enter your name and email address, you will be able to vote for one entry once per day and will be added to our weekly newsletter.
Any issues with submission or votes please contact us at info@kooricurriculum.com